Faces! Mugshots
The quickest
way to impress
your friends
is here. With
Faces! Mugshots
you can place
any face in the
mugshot of your
choosing. With
easy to use color
correction and
scaling functions
you're sure to
impress. You
can take a new
photo on the
spot or pull
one from your
image library
and seamlessly
composite them
Choose from tons
of mugshots!
-Scale in X or
Y independently
-Flip the face
image horizontally
-Rotate 360 degrees
-Gamma correction
-White point
-Black point
-Import images
from your photo
-Take a picture
on the fly with
your iPhone's
built in camera
-Save new images
to your photo
library so you
can email them
and share them
with the world
If you like Faces!
Mugshots try
out Faces! and
put yourself
in a bikini!